HALO History

The table below list the most important milestones and events in the HALO past, including the scientific missions. The table is in the works and is currently not yet complete.

HALO history is not available on mobile right now.

June 2012Link to HALO database created
October 28First HALO flight with operational scientific instruments.
Aboard HALO were instruments from the Forschungszentrum Jülich,
the universities Leipzig, Mainz and Wuppertal and the DLR Oberpfaffenhofen.
See some images in the gallery.
October 23First test flight of the HALO Techno - Mission.
July 28HALO - Status, 28. 7. 2010
June 2Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee
March 11-12Evaluation of the HALO DFG-SPP in Oberpfaffenhofen
February 10Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee
November 26
to January 30,
Aircraft maintenance and warranty works at Gulfstream / Savannah
November 17 Meeting of the HALO board of trustees in Oberpfaffenhofen
November 12
and 13
First successful flight testing of the Basic Halo Measurement and Sensor System
including tower fly by and wing by wing flight with the Falcon.
See some images in the gallery.
October 13Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee
July 2 Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee
March 10Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee
to March
Groundvibration Test of HALO in Oberpfaffenhofen
January 24HALO transfer flight to DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
See some images in the gallery.
December-January HALO acceptance at Savannah and transfer to Germany
December 4 Meeting of the HALO board of trustees (Kuratorium) in Oberpfaffenhofen
November FAA / LBA inspection
October 10 Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee
September to October Exterior Painting
July to September Interior installation in Savannah
June to July Flight testing in Savannah
July 9 Topping out ceremony of the HALO hangar
May 21 Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee (WLA)
April 3 Laying of the cornerstone of the HALO hangar
December 08 HALO left Oberpfaffenhofen for Savannah / Georgia.
At Gulfstream the HALO aircraft will be completed, outfitted, painted and certified.
November 23 First meeting of the official HALO Scientific Advisory Committee (WLA)
First meeting of the HALO board of trustees (Kuratorium)
October 8/9 User Workshop in Oberpfaffenhofen.
July 10 Interior Critical Design Review in Oberpfaffenhofen.
June 13 Next Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee.
March 31Subcontractor for external stores and belly pod selected.
March 22 Workshop on belly pod and usage of belly bod in Oberpfaffenhofen.
March 19/20 Evaluation of the DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm Atmospheric
and Earth system research with the research aircraft HALO.
March 15 PMS Workshop in Oberpfaffenhofen.
February 5-9Critical Design Review for HALO (modifications) in Savannah.
All essential design criteria are now frozen.
DFG Meeting (SPP 1294) in Frankfurt: Atmospheric and Earth System Research
with the "High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft".
November 27 Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee in Frankfurt.
November 21 User Workshop in Oberpfaffenhofen: Certification Issues of HALO.
October 16-20 Technical Interface Meeting in Savannah.
September 26-27Lower Panel Critical Design Review in Oberpfaffenhofen.
May 24 A workshop on wing pod issues and PMS probes for HALO
was held in Oberpfaffenhofen on May 24.
May 8-12The Preliminary Design Review for HALO took place from May 8
to May 12 at the Gulfstream Facility in Savannah / USA.
April 25 The arrival of the green HALO aircraft in Oberpfaffenhofen was on April 25, 2006
(see Photo Gallery).
Subsequently the aircraft will be modified by RUAG.
March 9 A meeting of the HALO user community took place at the DLR in Cologne.
The main topic has been the discussion of the agreement between DLR
and partners on the future operation of HALO and its administrative
and financial aspects.
February 22Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee took place on February 22 in Frankfurt.
January 17-20 Manufacturing Review Meeting in Oberpfaffenhofen
January 19Kick-off meeting of the HALO Virtual Institute in Oberpfaffenhofen.
November 7 Issue of the Cerificate of Airworthiness for the HALO - Aircraft;
Gulfstream G 550 S/N 5093
November 3 First flight of the HALO green aircraft.
Preliminary Design Review in Oberpfaffenhofen
July 18 Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee in Frankfurt
June 2 - 3 Workshop on inlets for HALO in Leipzig
April 19-20 System Review Meeting with Gulfstream at Savannah
March 17 Meeting of the HALO Scientific Advisory Committee in Oberpfaffenhofen
March 16 The arrival of the green HALO user Workshop in Oberpfaffenhofen:
Planning of Scientific Missions with HALO
February 16 Contract Award to Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation:
Construction and Modification of the HALO aircraft
October 18 Second HALO user workshop at the MPG in Munich
September 13 The Federal Ministry of Education and Research announces that HALO will be funded
February 5 In a press release the Federal Ministry of Education and Research announces
that HALO will be realized on a medium term
November 15Science Council recommends realization of HALO
October 15 / 16First HALO user workshop at the DLR in Oberpfaffenhofen
December Evaluation of the HALO Proposal by the Science Council Working Group
on Large-Scale Facilities
January Submission of the Proposal for HALO to the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research