Future HALO science missions...

... scheduled in the HALO-timetable

For more detailed information on the HALO missions listed below, please follow the link underlying the mission acronym in the first table column.

Mission nameScience topicTime period
(from - to)
Airport base
Principal Investigator(s)
(Mission coordinator)​
ASCCIArctic Springtime Chemistry
Climate Investigations​
Jan - Apr
Kiruna (Sweden)​
Andreas Engel
(Goethe University Frankfurt),
Björn-Martin Sinnhuber (KIT)​
HALO-SouthThe interplay of Clouds, Aerosols and
Radiation above the Southern Ocean
Jul - Oct
(New Zeeland)
Mira Pöhlker
NAWDICNorth Atlantic Waveguide, Dry Intrusion,
and Downstream Impact Campaign
Nov 2025 -
Feb 2026
Julian Quinting, Christian Grams
CoMet 3.0 TropicsResearch campaign on
greenhouse gases in the Tropics
Jun - Sep 2026Brazil or
Andreas Fix
WAVEGUIDEGravity Waves in Polar Night JetSep - Dec 2026Kiruna (Sweden)Bernd Kaifler (DLR-IPA)
AERO-CLOUDAircraft aEROsol effects on CLOUDs and
validation of contrail forecasts
Jun - Oct 2027Iceland or Ireland,
and Oberpfaffenhofen
Christiane Voigt
(DLR-IPA & University of Mainz)
CONTANGOConvection and Upper Tropospheric
Aerosol Nucleation and Gas Phase
Oxidation Experiment
Oct 2027 -
Feb 2028
Buenos Aires
Joachim Curtius
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
STACCATOStratocumulus Cloud Controls
at the Mesoscale
Aug - Nov 2028AfricaFelix Ament, Raphaela Vogel
(Universtität Hamburg)
Bjorn Stevens, Sarah Kang (MPI-M)
CONIDA nightContrasting Polar Night and DayNov - Dec 2028Kiruna (Sweden)Manfred Wendisch
(Leipzig University)

... proposed but not yet scheduled

For more detailed information on the HALO missions listed below, please follow the link underlying the mission acronym in the first table column.

Mission nameScience topicTime period
(from - to)
Airport base
Principal Investigator(s)
(Mission coordinator)​
CONIDA dayContrasting Polar Night and DaytbdKiruna (Sweden)Felix Ament
(Universität Hamburg)
AmazonBEATAmazonian Biogenic Emissions
and ATmospheric effects
tbdManaus (Brazil)Mira Pöhlker
HALO BIODUSTBIOcrusts in global DUST cycling and their effects on biogeochemical processes,
climate, and health
tbdSal (Cape Verde)Christopher Pöhlker (MPIC),
Mira Pöhlker (TROPOS)
HYGROPEXThe Hygropause of the ExtratropicstbdShannon, Ireland
(or Azores?)
Peter Hoor (University of Mainz)
Michaela Hegglin, Martin Riese (FZ Jülich)
CoMet 4.0 ValiseCarbon dioxide and Methane mission
for HALO
Validation of spaceborne experiments
Andreas Fix
ConvERSEConvective Gravity Waves:
Excitation, Redistribution,
Saturation & Evaluation
(Cape Verde)
Andreas Dörnbrack